作者:Xiao, S. D.
Aims and objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of aromatherapy on agitation and aggression in patients with cognitive impairment. Background: The impact of aromatherapy on agitation and aggression has been evaluated in various studies, but there is uncertainty about their impact. Design...
作者:Hwang, E. Y.
Background: Distressed individuals in Korea may benefit from the practice of mind-body exercises such as Qigong. However, the effectiveness of such techniques needs to be investigated. Methods: Fifty participants who were eligible to this study were randomized into a group receiving a 4-week i...
作者:Solano López, A. L.
Background: In spite of the advances in hypertension prevention and treatment, there is a high percentage of people with elevated or uncontrolled blood pressure. New patient-centered strategies are needed to support people managing their condition. A complementary behavioral treatment, the mindfu...
目的 评价太极拳运动对老年人认知功能的影响。 方法 检索中国知网数据库、万方数据知识服 务平台、重庆维普中文科技期刊数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、PubMed、Cochrane Library 和Embase, 收集在老年人群中开展太极拳运动、研究其认知功能结局的临床研究文献,进行 Cochrane 偏倚风险评估, 对有效信息进行系统评价与 Meta 分析。 结果 共纳入 8 项随机对照临床试验,所有研究均描述为随机,但 仅有 2 项研究描述了随机方法,1 项研究设盲,整体方法学质量偏低。Meta 分析结果显示: 对认知功能缺损 老年人的认知功能结局评价中,太极组在整体认知功...
通过探讨 6 个月内规律太极拳运动对中老年人静态平衡能力和下肢本体感觉的影响, 来综合评价太极拳对中老年人的健身作用。 综合查阅中国知网(CNKI)、维普期刊网、万方数 据库等国内文献数据库,搜索相关文献,根据纳入标准和排除标准选择文献,并进行质量评 定和相关数据提取,利用 RevMan5.3 软件进行 Meta 分析,得出结果:根据纳入和排除标准, 共有 4 项研究入选。 Meta 分析结果显示:6 个月内规律太极拳运动可以有效降低闭眼单足站 立 y 轴摆动轨迹;可以显著性降低 30°、45°、60°膝关节重置误差。 说明 6 个月内的规律太极 拳运动可有效改善中老年人的静态平衡能力;...
目的 系统评价瑜伽在干预颈痛患者疼痛、功能障碍和关节活动度方面的临床疗效。方 法 计 算 机 检 索 PubMed、TheCochraneLibrary、Embase、中国知网、万方、维普数据库,收集国内外有关瑜伽干预颈痛的随机对照 试验。对所得文献进行筛选、资料提取和偏倚风险评价后,采用 RevMan5.3软件对数据进行 Meta分析。结果 最终 纳入中英文文献6篇,共计384名患者。Meta分析结果显示:瑜伽减轻患者颈部疼痛优于对照组[MD (95%CI)= -1.20(-1.40,-1.00),P <0.01],改善患者颈部功能障碍优于对照组[MD (95%CI)=-5.3...
作者:Hubner, S.
Background: The effect of physical activity and exercise on hunger and satiety has been well-studied in younger adults, but the influence of aging is less understood. While some evidence suggests that acute bouts of exercise induce a compensatory eating drive, long-term activity may improve satie...
作者:Prado, A. K. G.
Prado, AKG, Reichert, T, Conceicao, MO, Delevatti, RS, Kanitz, AC, and Kruel, LFM. Effects of aquatic exercise on muscle strength in young and elderly adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Strength Cond Res 36(5): 1468-1483, 2022-The effects of training in an aquat...
目的:系统评价八段锦对 2 型糖尿病患者的临床治疗效果。方法:对中国知网、万方、维普、PubMed 等 4 个数 据库的文献进行检索,寻找与八段锦治疗 2 型糖尿病有关的随机对照实验的文献,检索范围设定数据库建库以来至 2020 年 5 月的所有中英文文献,事先设置好文献的检索词,并制定最终要纳入文献的标准以及文献的排除标准,使 用 Cochrane 网提供的 RevMan5.3 软件进行分析。结果 最终纳入符合标准的随机对照临床试验文献 10 篇,共有 813 例 2 型糖尿病患者,其中实验组 406 例,对照组 407 例。Meta 分析显示:与常规治疗相比,加用八段锦治疗对...
From the third decade of life and due to multiple causes, muscle mass and strength are gradually lost, which affects the function of the musculoskeletal system. This combined loss of muscle mass and strength with aging is called sarcopenia, and is associated with greater morbidity and mortality i...