



鼻咽癌是一种发生于鼻咽部黏膜上皮的恶性肿瘤。约 80% 的 NPC 发生在中国,严重危害人们的健康和生命安全, 是中国重点防治的恶性肿瘤之一。由于疾病本身及抗肿瘤治疗的影响,营养不良成为 NPC 患者常见的临床并发症,其中接 受放疗的 NPC 患者是营养不良发生率最高的群体之一,营养不良严重影响 NPC 患者的预后。合理的营养治疗对于 NPC 患 者的生活质量和预后有积极的影响。根据患者病情选择最佳时机采取合适的营养治疗对保证患者放化疗的顺利进行起关键 性的作用,并影响患者的康复和预后。应强调的是,无论采用何种营养治疗方式(肠内或肠外营养),均应该先评估患者 的营养状况及能量需...

Background. Little is known about the health risks of air pollution and cardiorespiratory diseases, globally, across regions and populations, which may differ because of external factors. Objectives. We systematically reviewed the evidence on the association between air pollution and cardiorespi...

Background: Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (≤ 2.5 μg/m3 in aerodynamic diameter; PM2.5) is significantly associated with increased risk of premature mortality. Our goal was to provide an updated meta-analysis of all-cause and cause-specific mortality associated with exposur...

Background: Lack of research on the effects of gaseous pollutants (nitrogen oxides [NOx], sulfur dioxide [SO2], carbon monoxide [CO] and ozone [O3]) in the ambient environment on health outcomes from within low and middle income countries (LMICs) is leading to reliance on results from studies per...

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between main air pollutants and all cancer mortality by performing a meta-analysis. We searched PubMed, EMBASE (a biomedical and pharmacological bibliographic database of published literature produced by Elsevier), and the reference lists of o...

Several studies have demonstrated the association between air pollution and different medical conditions including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Air pollutants might have a role also in the etiology of mental disorders in the light of their toxicity on central nervous system. Purpose o...

Background: Particulate matter (PM) has been recognized as one of the key risk factors of lung cancer. However, spatial and temporal patterns of this association remain unclear. Spatiotemporal analyses incorporate the spatial and temporal structure of the data within random effects models, genera...

Long-term exposed to ambient particulate matter (PM) has been recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) mortality but few studies examine the utility of WHO's interim targets (2006)concerning PM control on CVD mortality. This review aimed to synthesize the long-term exposed ...

Background Concentrations of outdoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been associated with increased mortality. Hazard ratios (HRs) from cohort studies are used to assess population health impact and burden. We undertook meta-analyses to derive concentration–response functions suitable for such evalua...