作者:D L Ballor
A meta-analysis was used to examine the independent and interactive effects of dietary restriction, endurance exercise training and gender on resting metabolic rate (RMR). Sixty different group means (covering approximately 650 subjects) were identified from the scientific literature and subjecte...
Using the meta-analytic approach, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aerobic exercise on resting systolic (SYS) and diastolic (DIA) blood pressure in normotensive adults: The results of 35 human clinical training studies published in English-language journals between 1963 and...
目的:确定短期运动是否能减少老年人的跌倒和跌倒相关损伤。设计:对七个虚弱和损伤:干预技术合作研究(FICSIT)进行预先计划的meta分析——独立、随机、对照临床试验,评估干预在减少老年患者跌倒和虚弱方面的有效性。所有研究都包括10到36周的锻炼。跌倒和受伤的随访时间可达2 - 4年。环境:两个疗养院和五个社区住所(三个健康维护组织)地点。6个是小组和中心;其中一项是在家中进行的。参与者:每项研究的参与者人数在100到1323人之间。受试者大多能走动,认知功能完好,年龄最小为60 - 75岁,尽管一些研究要求附加缺陷,如日常生活中两种或两种以上活动的功能依赖,平衡障碍或下肢虚弱,或跌倒风...
作者:Kelley, G. A.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aerobic exercise on resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure in normotensive adults. The results of nine studies published in journals (1963 to 1992) and representing a total of 438 subjects (289 exercise, 149 control) were statisticall...
作者:Green, J. S.
In this investigation, meta-analysis was used to delineate exercise induced changes in the VO2max of older individuals and test a null hypothesis of no significant training effects. Parameters included in the analysis were age of the subjects, length of the training regimen, frequency and duratio...
In a systematic review of the efficacy of interventions intended to help people stop smoking, data have been analyzed from 188 randomized controlled trials. Following personal advice and encouragement to stop smoking given by physicians during a single routine consultation, an estimated 2% (95% c...
A meta-analytic comparison of studies testing cognitive behavior therapy (CBT; n = 12) and exposure treatment (n = 9) for social phobia indicates that the treatment modalities are equally effectwe. Compared to exposure, Cgl" did not lead to greater pretestposttest or pretest-follow-up ~mproveme...
Used meta-analysis to examine the efficacy of bibliotherapy. Bibliotherapy treatments were compared to control groups and therapist-administered treatments. The mean estimated effect size (d) of the 70 samples analyzed was + 0.565. There was no significant differences between the effects of bibli...
作者:Welten, D. C.
Evidence of a direct relationship between dietary calcium and bone mass in young adults is inconsistent. Therefore, a meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the existing literature concerning this relation in premenopausal women and adult men between the ages of 18 and 50. A computer-aided searc...