作者:Zanuso, S
关键词:Exercise Physical activity Type-2 diabetes Glycemic control
发表期刊:Acta Diabetol
The aim is to critically review the more relevant evidence on the interrelationships between exercise and metabolicoutcomes. Theresearchquestionsaddressedinthe recent specific literature with the most relevant randomized controlled trials, meta-analysis and cohort studies are pre- sented in three domains: aerobic exercise, resistance exer- cise, combined aerobic and resistance exercise. From this review appear that the effects of aerobic exercise are well established, and interventions with more vigorous aerobic exercise programs resulted in greater reductions in HbA 1c , greater increase in VO 2max and greater increase in insulin sensitivity. Considering the available evidence, it appears that resistance training could be an effective intervention to helpglycemiccontrol,especiallyconsideringthattheeffects of this form of intervention are comparable with what reported with aerobic exercise. Less studies have investi- gated whether combined resistance and aerobic training offers a synergistic and incremental effect on glycemic control; however, from the available evidences appear that combined exercise training seems to determine additional change in HbA 1c that can be seen significant if compared with aerobic training alone and resistance training alone.