作者:Kazemain, E.
关键词:breastfed baby; breastfeeding women; vitamin d
发表期刊:Adv Nutr .
The optimal vitamin D supplementation plan during lactation is unclear. We investigated the effect of maternal vitamin D supplementation on mother-infant dyads' vitamin D status during lactation. All controlled trials that compared vitamin D supplements to placebo or low doses of vitamin D in breastfeeding mothers were included. Pooled effect size and the associated 95% confidence interval (CI) for each outcome were estimated using random-effects models. A one-stage random-effect dose-response model was used to estimate the dose-response relation across different vitamin D dosages and serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations. We identified 19 clinical trials with 27 separate comparison groups (n = 3337 breastfeeding mothers). Maternal vitamin D supplement dosages were associated with circulating 25(OH)D concentrations in breastfeeding women in a non-linear fashion. Supplementation with 1000 IU of vitamin D/day increased serum 25(OH)D concentrations by 7.8 ng/mL while there was a lower increase in concentrations at vitamin D doses of >2000 IU/day (3.07 and 2.05 ng/mL increases between 2000 to 3000 and 3000 to 4000 IU/day, respectively). A linear relationship was observed between maternal vitamin D supplementation dosage and the infants' circulating 25(OH)D concentrations. Each additional 1000 IU of maternal vitamin D intake was accompanied by a 2.7 ng/mL increase in serum 25(OH)D concentration in their nursing infants. The subgroup analysis showed that maternal vitamin D supplementation was accompanied by a statistically significant increase in infants' 25(OH)D concentration in the trials with a duration of >20 weeks, vitamin D supplementation >1000 IU/day, East Indian participants, maternal BMI <25 kg/m2, and studies with an overall low risk of bias. Long-term maternal supplementation with vitamin D at a high dose (>6000 IU/day) effectively corrected vitamin D deficiency in both mothers and infants. Nevertheless, infants with 25(OH)D concentrations over 20 ng/mL may require a relatively low maternal dose to maintain vitamin D sufficiency. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This study is the first dose-response analysis on the relation between circulating 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) and maternal vitamin D supplementation in mother-infant dyads. We also considered factors such as study design and population characteristics that may affect the outcomes of a given vitamin D trial that have been overlooked in previous reviews.