作者:Belarmino, B. C.
发表期刊:Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal
Purpose/Hypothesis: The primary aim of this systematicreview was to update the evidence regarding the effectiveness of exercise training in patients with chronic heartfailure (CHF). The secondary aim of this review was toprovide overview of effective exercise training parametersprescribed to patients with CHF. Number of Subjects: Tenstudies were included in this review totaling 8961 pooledpatients. Materials/Methods: A comprehensive literaturesearch was conducted from ± databases (CINAHL,Cochrane Library, EMBASE, PEDro, PUBMED, andSCOPUS) including grey literatures for additional articles.The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews andMeta-Analyses (PRISMA) was followed for this literaturesearch.1 Inclusion criteria were: stable CHF, human,English language, subjects at 18 years old and older, andpublications from January 2013 to July 2016, since thisreview is only an update of Lewinter et al study.2 Exclusioncriteria included non-RCTs, unstable CHF, and studies nottranslated into English. Qualitative analysis processes,including assessment of risk of bias, were followed usingguidelines from Systematic Reviews of the CochraneHandbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.3Additional quality assessment tools used for the analysiswere Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scoring4for RCTs, A Measurement Tool to Assess the SystematicReviews (AMSTAR)5 for assessing systematic review and/or meta-analysis studies, and Sacket's level of evidence6 inassessing strength of the article. Results: Six exercisetraining effects were found in this review: (1) improvementof exercise tolerance or aerobic/physical capacity weresupported by 5 studies; (2) improvement of quality of lifewas supported by 5 studies; (3) reduction of mortality wassupported by 2 studies; (4) improvement on pathophysiological blood level measures (NT-proBNP and cTnT)were supported by 2 studies; (5) decreased hospitalizationswas supported by 4 studies; (6) cost effectiveness oflife-years saved was shown in one study. On average, the effective exercise training prescription was with moderateintensity (Borg's scale 5 12-14; 40%-60% HHR; 40%-60%peak VO2max) for 3 to 4 days/week lasting for 24 to 32weeks. Conclusions: This updated review further confirmsthe study of Lewinter et al.2 Additional positive exercisetraining effects were added in this review. It is highlyrecommended that along with the correct medications,individuals with CHF should be given an exerciseprescription with the correct and safe dosage (exerciseparameters). Clinical Relevance: Exercise training isbeneficial and important to effectively manage the progressive and debilitating effects of CHF. Following the2007 ACSM campaign of "Exercise is Medicine,7" allindividuals with CHF should be prescribed exercise, just asthey are prescribed medication. It is time to consider thatexercise training is an important and essential therapy forCHF. Physical Therapists should promote exercise trainingto all appropriate patients with CHF.