
The impact of dynamic resistance training on blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

作者:Cornelissen, V.



发表期刊:Journal of Hypertension


Objective: To examine the effect of dynamic resistance exercise training on blood pressure (BP) and other cardiovascular risk factors in healthy sedentary adults. Design and Methods: Meta-analysis of studies retrieved from four electronic databases as well as cross-referencing from identified articles. Inclusion criteria were as follows: randomized controlled trials; dynamic resistance training of at least 4 weeks was the sole intervention; participants were sedentary normotensive and/or hypertensive adults (iÝ18 years) with no other concomitant disease; resting systolic and/or diastolic BP were available; and finally the article was published in a peer-reviewed journal up to July 2009. Random effects models weighting for the number of trained participants were used for analysis with data reported as means and 95% confidence limits (CL). Results: 25 randomized controlled trials were included, involving 29 study groups (sg) and 845 men and women (368 controls, 477 exercisers). According to baseline BP, 11 study groups were classified as normotensives, 14 and 4 as prehypertensives and hypertensives, respectively. Resistance training induced a significant net BP reduction of -2.2 (95%CL,-4.3;-0.23)/ -3.0;(-4.2; -1.7) mmHg; the BP responses were not significantly different between the three subgroups (P > 0.25). In addition, resistance training significantly increased peak VO2 (+3.2 (+1.5;+4.8) mL.min-1.kg-1 (n = 8 sg), reduced body fat by 0.46 (-0.86;0.053) % (n = 11 sg) and reduced triglycerides by 0.10 (-0.17;-0.043) mmol.L-1 whereas body mass index, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and fasting glucose remained statistically unaltered (P >0.05). Conclusions: The meta-analysis suggests that dynamic resistance training may reduce BP and favourably affect some other CV risk factors. However, additional studies are needed especially in the hypertensive populations.